Wet T-Shirt Contest

Wet T-Shirt Contest intro screen Wet T-Shirt Contest game screen# 1
Wet T-Shirt Contest intro and game screens
Wet T-Shirt Contest game screen #2 Wet T-Shirt Contest game screen #3
Wet T-Shirt Contest game screens #2 & 3

Wet T-Shirt Contest is on of a series oftext adventure game designed for adults from Softcore Software Company. The games were fairly difficult, and had a really annoying sound routine that ran constantly, almost sounding like static. These games were not so adult as to be X-rated... they were closer to Leisure Suit Larry style (minus the graphics). The game does include some low res graphics to graphically depict the players immediate surroundings, like hallways, doors, etc.

Title: Wet T-Shirt Contest

Author: Bob Krotts (Coco version by James Nunke)

Publisher: Softcore Software Company

Released: September 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, tape or disk.

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