Strip Tease

Strip Tease intro screen Strip Tease game screen
Strip Tease intro & game screens

Strip Tease claims to be "a mathematical diversion for mature gentleman!". Since I have not seen the manual, I am not sure what the mathematical part is; I assume that there must be some sort of pattern. Basically the player presses the "1" to "3" keys, and if the key is "correct" then the Strip Tease marquee will slide down a little bit, revealing more of the woman beneath. A wrong guess will move it back up. It does NOT restart at the beginning of the sequence from what I can tell on a bad guess, and I don't believe it lets you re-guess the one your on, so it resets itself in some way. There are different audio responses to a correct or bad guess as well. The goal is to take the marquee completely off the bottom of the screen, revealing a topless woman. The game then moves this image around the screen while playing a simple 1 voice blues style tune, seemingly forever.

This is quite a departure from Britt Monk, who also did numerous original games as well as ports for Avalon Hill, including Gauntlet, Shootout at the OK Galaxy, V.C. (Viet Cong) and 3D Breakthru. Not sure if he was bored one day or not and it produced this.

Side note: If you wish to see what happens when the player "wins", you can cheat with a single POKE. LOADM the game first but before typing EXEC, POKE 13235,32. Each keypress (no matter if 1,2 or 3) will "win" that round.

Title: Strip Tease

Author: Bitt Monk

Publisher: Britt Monk, CDP

Released: May 1983 (1st ad June 1983 Hot Coco)

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, tape or disk.

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