Scepter of Kzirgla

Scepter of Kzirgla intro screen #1 Scepter of Kzirgla intro screen #2
Scepter of Kzirgla intro screens 1 & 2
Scepter of Kzirgla intro screen #3 Scepter of Kzirgla game screen #2
Scepter of Kzirgla intro screen 3 & game screen 1
Scepter of Kzirgla game screen #2 Scepter of Kzirgla game screen #3
Scepter of Kzirgla game screens 2 & 3
Scepter of Kzirgla game screen #4 Scepter of Kzirgla game screen #5
Scepter of Kzirgla game screens 4 & 5
Scepter of Kzirgla game screen #6 Scepter of Kzirgla game screen #7
Scepter of Kzirgla game screens 6 & 7

Scepter of Kzirgla is a BASIC RPG type game, where the player gets to choose from randomly generated stats, and then from 2 character classes (much simplified from full role playing games like Ultima, etc.). The player then enters the dungeon, and have to descend through 13 levels of a randomly generated dungeon to retrieve the Scepter of Kzirgla. The player has to contend with multiple types of monsters, weapons breaking during attacks, traps, all while trying to build their inventories and strengthen their character. While the game uses low res graphics for the dungeon maps, it does feature some rather interesting innovations: The sound effects are quite well done, with "stepping" sounds that change in volume as a player descends between levels, attack sound effects (with low res animations), etc. Also on the lower levels of the dungeons, where the mazes gets much more complicated, the player has to literally destroy walls with their weapons to get past certain parts of the maze. It is also very easy to die from traps in the early part of the game; a player should kill weaker monsters and perhaps attempt to bribe stronger ones until they build their strength.

The title screen and the winning screen actually use medium res graphics while the main gameplay is in Semigraphics-4. The game features 10 different monsters and 9 single key commands: arrow keys to move, A to attack, B to Bribe, F to Fly, I for Inventory, and X to quit (or as the manual describes it - "suicide"). The game also plays in semi-real time; while walking in the dungeon, if you don't do anything, monsters can show up and attack. The game even tracks how long you lasted (whether you win or lose).

Title: Scepter of Kzirgla

Author: Paul Penrose

Publisher: Rainbow Connection Software

Released: March 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, Extended BASIC, 16K RAM (cassette), 32K RAM (Disk).

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