Plateau of the Past

Plateau of the Past intro screen Plateau of the Past game screen #1
Plateau of the Past intro screen and games screen
Plateau of the Past game screen #2 Plateau of the Past game screen #3
Plateau of the Past game screens #2 & 3

Plateau of the Past is a graphical adventure game. It has you "roll up" a character (similiar to D&D style games), and then lets you equip the character from the store as well. After this, you start your adventure... but this game was a bit different than most graphical adventure games. You did not have to type in any commands. If you got to a situation where you have to choose a direction to go in, or do something, it presents a menu of what options you can do at that particular time. This was one of the main selling points of the game: "Are you frustrated at discovering the right logic only to be stumped by the game's vocabulary?" was part of the advertising. A rather unique way to do a graphical adventure game. It was fairly lengthy too, requiring a disk drive (it filled a disk).

Title: Plateau of the Past

Author: ???

Publisher: Zytek, Ltd.

Released: 1986

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, disk required.

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