Pinball (Anteco)

Pinball (Anteco) intro screen
Pinball (Anteco) intro screen

Pinball (Anteco) board selection screen Pinball (Anteco) game screen - board #1
Pinball (Anteco) board selection and board #1 game screens

Pinball (Anteco) game screen - board #2 Pinball (Anteco) game screen - board #3
Pinball (Anteco) game screens - boards #2 & 3

Pinball by Anteco is one of the few 3rd party games for the Coco that being on cartridge was an option. It is a rather simplistic version of Pinball with no tilt options and the joystick button controls both flippers at the same time, unlike most others that allow control of one at a time. The game physics seem a little simplistic as well, everything just deflects the ball - the only exceptional thing to hit is the spinning star that appears on or off at random. In it's favor is that it has 3 different boards to choose from (each of them pictured above).

Title: Pinball (Anteco)

Author: Charles J. Roslund & Bruce M. Cook

Publisher: Anteco

Released: May 1983

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, tape, disk or cartridge, joystick.

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