Pegasus and the Phantom Riders

Pegasus and the Phantom Riders intro screen Pegasus and the Phantom Riders phase 1 game screen
Pegasus and the Phantom Riders intro and phase 1 game screens
Pegasus and the Phantom Riders phase 3 game screen Pegasus and the Phantom Riders phase 4 game screen
Pegasus and the Phantom Riders phases 2 and 3 game screens

Pegasus and the Phantom Riders is a looser clone of the arcade hit Joust, and is also based on another Joust clone done by the same company (Spectral Associates) a year earlier, but by a different author (although, I am sure some of the routines are the same). Pegasus added in some neat twists, like your flying towards an island being your goal, and having the creatures coming at you from the island, so that you can see them in the distance before you can attack them. There is also a sea serpent patrolling the waters in the later levels, spitting fireballs at you. Playfull touches include the sharks swimming in the water (you and your opponents die if either of you hit the water). The game is also divided into phases (sets of waves), and the waves themselves.
Like Lancer, it supports one or two players, and the players can (and, on some waves, are encouraged to) kill each other.

Title: Pegasus and the Phantom Riders

Author: David Figge (Spectral Associates)

Publisher: Radio Shack/Tandy

Released: late 1984

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 64K RAM, disk, joystick(s).

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