P-51 Mustang Attack Flight Simulator

P-51 Mustang Attack Flight Simulator game screen

P-51 Mustang Attack Flight Simulator game screen.

P-51 Mustang Attack Flight Simulator is a 3-dimensional flight simulator with battle (similiar to the World War II mode in Flight Simulator II). The terrain is a lot simpler, but you do have up to 3 computerized opponents to battle with (as opposed to just one with Flight Simulator II). The most unique thing about P-51 is that it allowed up to 2 human players to play against each other over either a serial cable or a modem, thus enabling people to play against each other around the world. This was quite unique in 1984, especially for an action game; several simpler, turn based games on BBS's, or games like Checkers, Chess or Othello had been done, but no real-time arcade style games had.

Title: P-51 Mustang Attack Flight Simulator

Author: Brian Bruderer

Publisher: Tom Mix Software

Released: 1984

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 32K RAM, tape or disk, joystick, modem or null cable optional.

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