Mountain Pilot

Mountain Pilot intro screen Mountain Pilot game screen
Mountain Pilot intro and game screens

Mountain Pilot is an instrument/map only flight simulator written in Extended BASIC. Unlike most instrument flight simulators done around this time, it also featured an actual map, showing your position within a set of mountain ranges. You have to fly gold from one airstrip to another, navigating through mountain passes.
Mountain Pilot was one of over a hundred programs sold by Instant Software, which was the software publishing branch of Kilobaud Microcomputing, owned by Wayne Green, whom also published the magazines 80 Micro and Hot Coco. This game is a port from the earlier TRS-80 Model 1/3 version.

Title: Mountain Pilot

Author: ???

Publisher: Instant Software, Inc.

Released: possibly late 1982, January 1983 for sure (advertised in January special 3rd Anniversary issue of 80 Micro)

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM Extended BASIC, tape or disk, joystick.

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