Komet Kaze

Komet Kaze intro screen Komet Kaze game screen #1
Komet Kaze intro & game screen #1

Komet Kaze game screen #2 Komet Kaze game screen #3
Komet Kaze game screens 2 & 3

Komet Kaze game screen #4

Komet Kaze game screen 4

Komet Kaze is an arcade style space shooter where the player is dealing with various aliens that are coming down towards the player - some are slower moving ones that fly more in a vertical direction with little horizontal movement and drop bombs towards the player, and faster ones that home in on the player (these shimmer through different colors). The player is allowed vertical and horizontal movement, and a rather interesting fire mechanic: Rather then shooting bullets up the screen (or even guided bullets, like the arcade game Gorf) the player instead has a disruptor that only shoots about a length of the their ship, but can be fired (determined by the joystick position) 45 degrees up and left, straight up or 45 degrees up and right. The CLEAR key aborts the game and the X key switches the graphics mode from artifacting to green/yellow/blue/red, making it PAL friendly.

One little quirk about the game: The title screen calls it Komet Kaze, but the ads (in Rainbow magazine, etc.) show it as Komet-Kaze. I am going by the author's title here. Another quirk is if you accidentally forget to enter your initials when getting a score in the top 10, it gives you the opportunity on subsequent games to fill the blank initials in.

Title: Komet Kaze

Author: Thomas Czarnecki

Publisher: ColorQuest

Released: March 1983

Requires: Color Computer 1,2 or 3, 16K RAM (cassette) or 32K RAM (disk), joystick

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