Jumbo Jet (aka 747C Flight Simulator)

Jumbo Jet (aka 747C Flight Simulator) intro screen #1 Jumbo Jet (aka 747C Flight Simulator) intro screen #2
Jumbo Jet (aka 747C Flight Simulator) intro screens.
Jumbo Jet (aka 747C Flight Simulator) game screen

Jumbo Jet (aka 747C Flight Simulator) game screen.

Jumbo Jet (aka 747C Flight Simulator) is a flight simulator written entirely in Extended BASIC (other than a multi-voice musical intro of Wild Blue Yonder) and requires two joysticks to operate. In the simulation you have to take off from one airport, fly to another and land successfully while monitoring your fuel and preventing damage to the plane through excessive amount of stress damage. It features 3 different skill levels as well, although I am unclear on the differences between the skill levels.

Title: Jumbo Jet (aka 747C Flight Simulator)

Author: Steve Skrzyniarz and Ken Bragg

Publisher: Prickly-Pear Software

Released: July 1985 (programmed in 1984)

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 32K RAM (16K RAM version was available), tape or disk.

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