
NOTE: Coco 1/2 version on left, Coco 3 on right

Hopman Intro screen (Coco 1/2) Hopman Intro screen (Coco 3)
Hopman Intro screens - Coco 1/2 & Coco 3 versions

Hopman level 1 game screen #1 (Coco 1/2) Hopman level 1 game screen #1 (Coco 3)
Hopman level 1 game screen #1 (start of level) (Coco 1/2 &Coco 3 versions)

Hopman level 1 game screen #2 (Coco 1/2) Hopman level 1 game screen #2 (Coco 3)
Hopman level 1 game screen #2 (end of level) (Coco 1/2 &Coco 3 versions)

Hopman level 2 game screen #1 (Coco 1/2) Hopman level 2 game screen #1 (Coco 3)
Hopman level 2 game screen #1 (start of level) (Coco 1/2 &Coco 3 versions)

Hopman level 2 game screen #2 (Coco 1/2) Hopman level 2 game screen #2 (Coco 3)
Hopman level 2 game screen #2 (end of level) (Coco 1/2 &Coco 3 versions)

Hopman level 3 game screen #1 (Coco 1/2) Hopman level 3 game screen #1 (Coco 3)
Hopman level 3 game screen #1 (start of level) (Coco 1/2 &Coco 3 versions)

Hopman is one of the cross-platform games (dozens and dozens of platforms!) put out by Japanese developer Inufuto using their C like cross-platform engine (called "CATE"), targeted at many 8 bit systems. Hopman is a side scrolling platformer, where the player tries to get across multiple levels of platforms by running and jumping (and the player can control the height and direction of their hump in mid air. There are spikes to avoids as well as moving monsters. There are also both horizontal and vertical moving elevators that the player can jump on, and flags the players can collect. The player does not need every flag to complete a level (which is to get the GOAL gate on the far right of the current level), but they receive more bonus points for each flag collected (and a PERFECT) if they get them all. There is also a timer; more bonus points are awarded the faster you complete the level.

If the player is playing on a Coco 3, they can make the graphics and sound (although pitch shifted) run a little faster and smoother by doing POKE 65497,0 after loading but before typing EXEC. I believe that there are 8 different levels to go through, and then it wraps back to the first.

Title: Hopman

Author: ??? (Inufuto?)

Publisher: Inufuto

Released: July 29, 2023 (Coco 1/2 and Coco 3 versions), July 30, 2023 (MC-10 version)

Requires: Color Computer 1 or 2, 32K RAM (Coco 1/2 version) OR Color Computer 3, 128K RAM (Coco 3 version)

Download Hopman for any platform including Coco's and MC-10's here (click the WAV link for the system you want to get it's cassette file).

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