Hall of the King

Hall of the King intro screen #1 Hall of the King intro screen #2
Hall of the King intro screens
Hall of the King game screen

Hall of the King game screen

Hall of the King is part 1 of a 3 part graphical adventure game series. Each game in the series took 2 single sided disks, so the complete adventure game took 6. At the time (1985-1987), it was the largest adventure game done on the Coco. The general purpose throughout all three games in the trilogy is your quest to find the Earthstone, a powerful stone originally owned by the dwarves of Firrhest until they were forced to flee their possible destruction. In part 1, you have to travel in the dwarven living chambers searching for clues and one of the mystic key pieces that promises entrance to the legendary chamber of the Earthstone.
I believe that this was Glen Dahlgren's first commercial game, and was sold for a few years through Prickly Pear Software, until he later sold the whole trilogy himself through his own company, Sundog Systems.

Title: Hall of the King

Author: Glen R. Dahlgren

Publisher: Prickly Pear Software, then Sundog Systems

Released: 1985

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 64K RAM, disk.

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