Green Berets

Green Berets intro screen #1 Green Berets intro screen #1
Green Berets intro screens
Green Berets game screen #1 Green Berets game screen #2
Green Berets game screens

Green Berets is a slightly adult, sarcastic game along a similiar vein as Viking, Erland or Castle Greymoon. Similiar to those games, you have to build up your empire by keeping your people (troops) happy; you do this by feeding them, and providing their needs (which, in this case, includes beer halls, cat houses, etc.). In this way, it somewhat similiar to Pricky-Pear Software's Gangbusters, although definately with a more twisted sense of humor.

Title: Green Berets

Author: Michael J. Keyes and Bill Butterworth

Publisher: ??? (PD release?)

Released: 198?

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 32K RAM, tape or disk.

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