
Eye-Witness intro screen Eye-Witness game screen #1
Eye-Witness intro screen & game screen #1

Eye-Witness game screen #2 Eye-Witness game screen #3
Eye-Witness game screens 2 & #3

Eye-Witness game screen #4 Eye-Witness game screen #5
Eye-Witness game screens 4 & #5

Eye-Witness is one of Spectral Associates early BASIC games for the Coco, and was sold as a two pack for just under $12.00 along with Klondike (at least by 1982). Later on, both games become part of the 30 program Treasury Pack. The game is a memory game for up to 4 players, where the computer randomly place "cards" in 54 spaces. There are 27 unique card faces, so 2 of each one. The program will quickly show them and then flip them over. Then each player tries to find the pairs. If they find them, the card slots to change to the player's color and they get to go again. If a mismatched pair is found, they turn back over (but other players can see which ones they were) and the next player goes. The game ends once all pairs have been found on the board, when the game plays a bit of 1 voice music. All entries are by 2 digits from the keyboard.

NOTE: The BASIC program has some remarks in it - one says that the key repeat was fixed by JPG. I don't know who that is.

Title: Eye-Witness

Author: R.A. Seaberg

Publisher: Spectral Associates

Released: 1981, as a two pack in 1982(?)

Requires: Color Computer 1,2 or 3, 16K RAM.

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