Cosmic Superbowl

Cosmic Superbowl intro screen #1 Cosmic Superbowl intro screen #2
Cosmic Superbowl intro screens
Cosmic Superbowl game screen #1 Cosmic Superbowl game screen #2
Cosmic Superbowl game screens
Cosmic Superbowl game screen #3

Cosmic Superbowl game screen #3

Cosmic Superbowl is very simple Football video game, based on the old Mattel Electronics LED handheld Football from 1977. Basically you view a 10 yard wraparound section of the field. You can move up, down or right, and you only have 3 positions vertically on the field that you, or your opponents, can be. The "aliens" randomly move, but they can not wrap around the sides of the playfield. You can, however (if you run off the right side, you reappear on the left, just like the old Mattel game). The game does allow you to change the names of the teams, and the players need to take turns after the play switches sides.
This game later became part of the 30 game Treasury Pack from Spectral Associates.

Title: Cosmic Superbowl

Author: Tom D. Keeton

Publisher: Spectral Associates

Released: March 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 16K RAM, cassette or disk.

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