Conveyor Belt

Conveyor Belt intro screen Conveyor Belt game screen #1
Conveyor Belt intro screen & game screen #1

Conveyor Belt game screen #2 Conveyor Belt game screen #3
Conveyor Belt game screens #2 & #3

Conveyor Belt is an original game running on the low resolution 64x32 text screen from T&D Software. From the looks of it, the version released requires 16K RAM - barely - just to accommodate disk systems. Due to the small size of the program, I am sure that it could be changed to run in a 4K RAM cassette systems as well. The game is deceptively hard; the player controls the "O" that starts of the bottom of the screen. The mission is cross all of the conveyor belts to reach the other side of the screen without hitting any of the black boxes. Each alternating conveyor belt is rotating (wraparound) in opposite directions. Each time the player complete going across all the belts, they receive a single point, and then they have to cross to the opposite side again (so reversing direction). This (to me, anyways) is harder than it looks. Nice little ML cassette magazine game.

Title: Conveyor Belt

Author: Andrew Pakerski

Publisher: T&D Software #5

Released: November 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1,2 or 3, 16K RAM.

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