Company Commander

Company Commander intro screen #1 Company Commander intro screen #2
Company Commander intro screens
Company Commander game screen #1 Company Commander game screen #2
Company Commander game screens
Company Commander game screen #3

Company Commander game screen #3

Company Commander is one of many wargames that Ark Royal Games brought out for the Coco. This was their first one designed to be expandable with modules, and they did in fact release at least 3 versions that I know of: 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0 (these also involved some rule and play changes as well). Like most of their earlier war games, Company Commander is written in BASIC, although it does have some machine language subroutines to speed things up. Unlike most of their previous games (and due to it's expandability), it's not based on a single battle (and it's not a fictional battle, either). Each module can provide a specific battle, but since modules can be added, you can switch battlefields. The first version came with more than 10 modules to start with.

Title: Company Commander

Author: Phil Keller

Publisher: Ark Royal Games

Released: 1984

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, Extended BASIC, cassette or disk.

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