Battle of Gettysburg

Battle of Gettysburg intro screen

Battle of Gettysburg intro screen.
Battle of Gettysburg game screen #1 Battle of Gettysburg game screen #2
Battle of Gettysburg game screens.

Battle of Gettysburg is one of the earliest graphical war games on the Coco, coming out in late 1982. Not to be confused with the similarly titled Battle Hymn - The Battle of Gettysburg put out 4 years later by Ark Royal games, this simulator lets you pick which of 3 Rebel generals you want to combat with - General Jackson, General Lee or General Pickett. Pickett is the easiest opponent; Lee or Jackson are more difficult. The simulation is played on a graphical map and you control picking your piece and moving it via the joystick, but it is done in real time with your opponent moving their pieces around while you move and make decisions. You start at a disadvantage, having only 2 brigades vs. your opponents 6, but your goal is to slow them down long enough for Union reinforcements arrive to help you turn the tide.

Title: Battle of Gettysburg

Author: James Woodruff

Publisher: Softwride

Released: November 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM, joystick, tape or disk.

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