Battle for Tunis

Battle for Tunis intro screen #1 Battle for Tunis intro screen #2
Battle for Tunis intro screens 1&2
Battle for Tunis intro screen #3 Battle for Tunis game screen
Battle for Tunis intro screen #3&game screen.

Battle for Tunis is another of Ark Royal Games wartime simulation games, based on World War II (in this case, the Battle for Tunis, between Rommel and Patton in North Africa in 1943). The game starts by slowly displaying a scrolling map of the playfield. The game allows one or two players, which is a little different from most of their wargame simulations. By default, a 1 player game has you playing as Rommel (the Germans); in the 2 player game, the players pick the side they represent. This game was meant to be a "beginner" level simulator. It also has two maps; a zoom out version with less detail, and a zoom in version that helps to specifically place troops, etc.

Title: Battle for Tunis

Author: Carl Carpenter

Publisher: Ark Royal Games

Released: 1984

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 32K RAM, cassette or disk.

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