
Battlefleet intro screen #1 Battlefleet intro screen #2
Battlefleet intro screens 1&2
Battlefleet intro screen #3 Battlefleet intro screen #4
Battlefleet intro screens 3&4
Battlefleet game screen #1 Battlefleet game screen #2
Battlefleet game screens 1&2
Battlefleet game screen #3 Battlefleet game screen #4
Battlefleet game screens 3&4
Battlefleet game screen #5

Battlefleet game screen 5 (game end; purple shows where ships were not hit)

Battlefleet is one of Spectral Associates earlier Extended BASIC titles for the Coco, first showing up in their ad in 80 Micro August 1981. The game is based on the popular physical game Battleship, but it does have some pretty major differences. First, you can play against another person or the computer. Second, you get your choice of two different grid sizes to play on. Third, you get 9 ships each (rather than 5) but with more restrictive sizes: each players gets 2 aircraft carriers (but only 4 squares long), 3 battleships (3 squares long) and 4 destroyers (2 squares long). To make the game much more difficult, it also lets you place your ships diagonally (instead of just horizontal and vertical). Also there are two game modes; in the first mode you fire missiles until you miss hitting something. In the second mode each of your ships gets to fire until it misses.

One cool thing in the presentation is that each player (once both players have placed your ships) gets their own screen to show where they fired, and each player has their own color (cyan or magenta, depending on the player. Orange squares represent hits for both. The program also features keyboard key repeating (the game is completely controlled by the keyboard). When the game ends, you get shown the maps with all the hits and misses the player registers, but also showing any remaining squares that the player was unable to find. Actually a pretty decent Battleship style game for the Coco's first year of existence.

This game later became part of the 30 game Treasury Pack from Spectral Associates in 1985.

Title: Battlefleet

Author: Bob Sleath

Publisher: Spectral Associates

Released: August 1981

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 16K RAM Extended BASIC, cassette or disk.

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