
Barbarossa intro screen #1 Barbarossa intro screen #2
Barbarossa intro screens 1&2
Barbarossa game screen #1 Barbarossa game screen #2
Barbarossa game screens 1&2.
Barbarossa game screen #3

Barbarossa game screen 3.

Barbarossa is another of Ark Royal Games wartime simulation games, based on World War II (in this case, the war in Russia). One of the later titles for the Coco 1/2, this time they went to full PMODE 4 graphics and color (instead or the low resolution or text only type displays that they had in their earlier efforts). This one also had a save/resume game feature, and the maps were actually larger than single screen (one screenshot above shows it scrolled somewhat north of the original start map). The game covers 4 years (1941-1944), and the manual gives you goals to try and accomplish each year. The author (Phil Keller) also gives a shoutout to Steve Berry for some programming help, and to Coco Max for drawing the map.

Title: Barbarossa

Author: Phil Keller

Publisher: Ark Royal Games

Released: 1985

Requires: Color Computer 1/2/3, 64K RAM, cassette or disk.

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