Advanced Pong

Advanced Pong intro screen Advanced Pong game screen #1
Advanced Pong intro screen & game screen #1

Advanced Pong game screen #2 Advanced Pong game screen #3
Advanced Pong intro screens #2 & 3

Advanced Pong a BASIC / ML hybrid program that is based on the original arcade smash Breakout, but with some original ideas thrown in. Using just the left and right arrow keys for controls, each game consists of 5 rounds (and each round resets the playfield). The playfield consists of two rows of blue "robots" (blue faces), and the player controls 2 paddles (one above the top row of faces, one below the bottom row of faces), and also a hole in the middle red wall. All 3 move in the same direction and speed as the player controls them, so the player needs to keep track of all 3. This makes the game much more challenging than regular Breakout. Each piece of a face you destroy is worth one point. As you progress in the game, the gameplay (both the ball and the player's movement) increases, adding to the challenge. At the end of the player's five rounds, they get a summary of their score - all 5 scores from the 5 rounds, as well as the grand total.

One odd part of this game: The documentation from T&D says the game is called Advanced Pong, but the game's splash screen calls it Bounce Over. I have chosen to go with the T&D title since it seems more accurate to the game play.

Title: Advanced Pong

Author: Andrew Pakerski

Publisher: T&D Software

Released: December 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1,2 or 3, 16K RAM, Extended BASIC.

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