3D Monster Maze

3D Monster Maze intro screen #1 3D Monster Maze intro screen #2
3D Monster Maze intro screens 1&2
3D Monster Maze game screen #1 3D Monster Maze game screen #2
3D Monster Maze game screens 1&2
3D Monster Maze game screen #3 3D Monster Maze game screen #4
3D Monster Maze game screens 3&4
3D Monster Maze game screen #5 3D Monster Maze game screen #6
3D Monster Maze game screens 5&6
3D Monster Maze game screen #7

3D Monster Maze game screens 5&7

3D Monster Maze is an adaptation of the famous Sinclair ZX-81 game of the same name originally written by Malcolm Evans that was originally released as a cartridge just before Christmas in 2019. The game has been enhanced compared to the ZX-81 original; Evan Wright added both color and a overhead map mode that auto-maps where you have been. Like the original, you are trying to get out of a randomly generated maze by finding the special exit door (which does not have to be on the outside of the maze), all while avoiding "Rex", the Tyrannosaurus Rex who is trying to eat you before you escape. The game offers multiple sets of keys that can be used to control your movement through the maze, which helps cover both Coco 1/2 and Coco 3 keyboard layouts.

Evan teases about some hidden features in the game in the manual that it comes with: "If you get really stuck, magic words have been known to work in the map view." He also includes the assembly language sourcecode when your order the electronic version, making it a good tutorial in writing an assembly language game for a Coco 1/2.

Title: 3D Monster Maze

Author: Evan Wright

Publisher: Evan Wright (cartridge version by Neil Blanchard)

Released: December 1982

Requires: Color Computer 1,2,3, 16K RAM (cartridge), 32K RAM (disk).

Purchase the digital version of 3D Monster Maze from Evan's itch.io site. This includes the source code as well, and you have the option of contacting the author directly to order the original cartridge version.

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