Fire One

Fire One intro screen

Fire One intro screen
Fire One game screen #1 Fire One game screen #2
Fire One game screens
Fire One games screen #3

Fire One game screen - console

Fire One is one of many war simulators that Ark Royal Games put out over the years, and one of the first (if not THE first) that required a Coco 3 for the improved graphics. In some ways similiar to Sub Battle Simulator, it also puts you in charge of a submarine during World War II, and sends you on special missions, where you have to take on boats, etc. The graphics aren't as good as Sub Battle Simulator, but, then again, it is written in BASIC, not Assembly Language.

Title: Fire One

Phil Keller

Publisher: Ark Royal Games

Released: 1987

Requires: Color Computer 3 ONLY, 128K RAM, cassette or disk.

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